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The Secret History of Hollywood

MonsterTalk - the science show about monsters. For more than a decade MonsterTalk has been using the topic of monsters as a springboard to discuss science and critical thinking around topics of monsters, folklore, horror and mysteries.

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Blake Smith

Blake Smith is the host and producer of MonsterTalk. He’s a writer, researcher, computer nerd, gamer, father, husband, and occasional adventurer. His writing has been published in Fortean Times, Weird Tales, Skeptic Magazine and Skeptical Inquirer.

Dr. Karen Stollznow

Dr. Karen Stollznow is a writer, researcher, Ph.D. Linguist, and the co-host of MonsterTalk. Her work has been published in Scientific American Mind, Psychology Today, The Conversation, and Fortean Times. She is the author of On The Offensive, Would You Believe It?, Haunting America, and God Bless America. Her other books and short stories are available on Amazon.


Blake Smith

Blake Smith is the host and producer of MonsterTalk. He’s a writer, researcher, computer nerd, gamer, father, husband, and occasional adventurer. His writing has been published in Fortean Times, Weird Tales, Skeptic Magazine and Skeptical Inquirer.

Dr. Karen Stollznow

Dr. Karen Stollznow is a writer, researcher, Ph.D. Linguist, and the co-host of MonsterTalk. Her work has been published in Scientific American Mind, Psychology Today, The Conversation, and Fortean Times. She is the author of On The Offensive, Would You Believe It?, Haunting America, and God Bless America. Her other books and short stories are available on Amazon.


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