Good Job, Brain!

Part quiz show, part offbeat trivia, and all awesome.
Which came first, Brad Pitt or lasers? Why does Mario wear overalls? And can you really use cheese to tell the future?
We here are nuts about pub quiz and we’re scooching down the table to make room for you to be on our team! Join curious pals Karen, Colin, Dana, and Chris for some freaky facts, perplexing puzzles, and quirky quizzes. Do you yell Jeopardy! answers out loud at the screen? Do you often wonder where everyday things like junk mail and dumpsters originate from? Do you look up actors’ filmographies while watching a movie? Then this podcast, fellow trivia nut, is the ultimate nutrition for your brain. So eat up!

Karen Chu, Colin Felton, Dana Rydeman, and Chris Kohler
Karen, Colin, Dana, and Chris (aka KC/DC) all met working in the video game industry, and happened to end up in a pub while it was trivia night. They had so much fun that they kept showing up every week. Weeks turned into months, months into years. Years turned into, holy crap, a decade.
Karen Chu makes custom sneakers from scratch, and was a winner on ABC’s The Chase. She is the author of Jawsome Shark Quizzes, and will eventually finish her goal of running a marathon in all 50 states and seven continent. (She’s halfway done.)
Colin Felton is a web developer, with previous stints writing, editing, and designing. Trivia was one of Colin’s first loves, with books of facts outnumbering just about everything else he read as a kid.
Dana Nelson Rydeman is a designer of mechanical toys and playful home decor. Her previous jobs include video game designer, graphic novelist, policy researcher, and junior zookeeper. Though it is unlikely to be her next career, she is currently attempting to learn how to dance like a Korean boy band member.
Chris Kohler was a journalist for 24 years but now he makes video games. (Helps make them.) He is the author of several books and a Fulbright scholar but only got his driver's license when he was 39. He loves cryptic crosswords and Japanese curry and owns every Enya CD.

Karen Chu, Colin Felton, Dana Rydeman, and Chris Kohler
Karen, Colin, Dana, and Chris (aka KC/DC) all met working in the video game industry, and happened to end up in a pub while it was trivia night. They had so much fun that they kept showing up every week. Weeks turned into months, months into years. Years turned into, holy crap, a decade.
Karen Chu makes custom sneakers from scratch, and was a winner on ABC’s The Chase. She is the author of Jawsome Shark Quizzes, and will eventually finish her goal of running a marathon in all 50 states and seven continent. (She’s halfway done.)
Colin Felton is a web developer, with previous stints writing, editing, and designing. Trivia was one of Colin’s first loves, with books of facts outnumbering just about everything else he read as a kid.
Dana Nelson Rydeman is a designer of mechanical toys and playful home decor. Her previous jobs include video game designer, graphic novelist, policy researcher, and junior zookeeper. Though it is unlikely to be her next career, she is currently attempting to learn how to dance like a Korean boy band member.
Chris Kohler was a journalist for 24 years but now he makes video games. (Helps make them.) He is the author of several books and a Fulbright scholar but only got his driver's license when he was 39. He loves cryptic crosswords and Japanese curry and owns every Enya CD.